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Last update: 04/12/2009 07:40

Speaker Details

Ed Durrant (Australia)

Ed Durrant

Ed Durrant, attended one of the first ever high school courses on computing in the UK (back in the days of programs on punched cards!) and has followed that with a career in Computing and IT since then. Over 35 years in the industry, programming Mainframes, Midrange and PC based systems and going on to move into LAN management, systems analysis, architecture and solutions management. Ed presently lives on the Central Coast of New South Wales in Australia about an hour and a half north of Sydney. He has worked in the UK, from where he comes, the US, Europe and now Australia. It was during his 12 year stint living and working in Munich, Germany that he first came in contact with OS/2 v 1.1 in the late 80's at what was at the time, the largest OS/2 install base in Europe at the European Patent Office. He has kept in contact with OS/2 and now eComStation at least as a hobby if not in his day to day work since then.

Ed says he has seen a lot of changes in IT but also a lot that hasn't changed (that should have).

